Getting started with Seeka SDKs and APIs

These docs outline the usage of Seeka across various platforms.

If you require assistance, reach out to


Organisation IDFor all APIs and SDKsUniquely identifies your Seeka organisation
Public keyWhen interacting with SDKs or the HTTP APIAllows write only access to API. Scoped to a single Converge instance and organisation brand
Package registry tokenWhen installing NPM and NuGet packagesGrants access to pull packages from Seeka's private package registries
Package registry usernameWhen installing NuGet packagesGrants access to pull packages from Seeka's private NuGet registry

Installation methods

Seeka supports a number of installation methods. Your website, backend or frontend stack will determine which method is right for you.

Websites and modern web apps

  • For Shopify and Wordpress websites - install the plugins available for these platforms.
  • For modern web apps that are powered by module bundling (Webpack, Babel, Browserify, Rollup etc.) or that utilise single page frameworks such as React, Vue.js or Angular - use the modern web apps method.
  • For all other websites and front ends - use the script tag method.


For server or backend environments, it is recommended to use one of the platform specific SDKs (.NET or JavaScript) which conform to semantic versioning principals.

A backend installation is only required if you wish to send events or enrich identity profiles without embedding Seeka on your front end website or mobile app.

If a SDK for your backend platform is not yet available then the HTTP API method is recommended.

Mobile apps

For mobile apps, it is recommended to use one of the platform specific SDKs (Xamarin or React Native) which conform to semantic versioning principals.

If a SDK for your mobile app platform is not yet available then the HTTP API method is recommended.

Software vendors

If you are a software vendor and wish to integrate Seeka into your product, please reach out to

When providing installation of Seeka to your customers, any one of the installation methods can be used.

To facilitate installation of Seeka, your application will need to provide a way for your customers to provide their Seeka Organisation ID and Public key which will allow you to initialise the Seeka SDKs and APIs for that customer.

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