Install .NET SDK

SDK Requirements

Your project framework must be compatible with .NET Standard 2.0. See this document for .NET frameworks that support .NET Standard 2.0.

Firstly add the NuGet package source via .NET CLI or NuGet CLI then the Nuget package can be installed.

Adding NuGet package source

  • Replace (Package registry username) and (Package registry token) in the example with the username and token provided.
  • Replace (your solution directory) in the example with the path to your solution (path where your .sln file is located)


.NET SDK 3.0 or later and NuGet protocol version 3 or later is required.

cd (your solution directory)
dotnet nuget add source "" --name SeekaNugetFeed --username (Package registry username) --password (Package registry password)

With NuGet CLI

NuGet CLI 5.1 or later and NuGet protocol version 3 or later is required.

cd (your solution directory)
nuget source Add -Name SeekaNugetFeed -Source "" -UserName (Package registry username) -Password (Package registry password)

Installing package


Replace (your project directory) in the example with the path to your project that you wish to install the SDK to (eg. path where your .csproj file is located)

cd (your project directory)
dotnet add package Seeka.Sdk.Converge.Dotnet

With NuGet CLI

Replace (your project directory) in the example with the path to your project that you wish to install the SDK to (eg. path where your .csproj file is located)

cd (your project directory)
nuget install Seeka.Sdk.Converge.Dotnet

With package manager (Visual Studio)

  1. Select Project > Manage NuGet Packages.
  2. In the NuGet Package Manager page, choose SeekaNugetFeed as the Package source.
  3. From the Browse tab, search for Seeka.Sdk.Converge.Dotnet, select Seeka.Sdk.Converge.Dotnet in the list, and then select Install.
  4. If you're prompted to verify the installation, select OK.