HTTP API usage

Base URL

All calls to the API are to be made over HTTPS to


Authentication is handled by a combination of the X-OrgId and X-Converge-Key headers referenced in the table below.

Required headers

The headers below must be sent with every API request to the API.

Header nameDescription
X-OrgIdID of the Seeka organisation
X-Converge-KeyThe Converge Public key or Converge SDK write key

Recommended headers

The headers below are optional and can be set to what you feel is necessary to provide insight to the API calls made from your application.

The client implementation headers can be reported on within Seeka to identify and count calls to the API for your organisation.

Header nameDescription
X-Sdk-Client-VersionVersion used to identify your implementation of the SDK.
This can be set to what you please as it will be used to identify calls to the API based on your own custom client version.
For example the version could be specified as '0.1' when testing your integration.
X-Sdk-Client-TypeName or type used to identify your implementation of the SDK.
This can be set to what you please, for example the type could be specified as 'backend' for your backend integration with the SDK or 'website' for integrations placed on your website.