Bedrock Wordpress installation

Seeka can be installed on Bedrock Wordpress site via a Composer package.


  1. Retrieve your Composer package registry URL from your Seeka app.

  2. In your composer.json file, add the below repository, ensuring to replace composer_registry_url with the value retrieved in the previous step.

    // ...
        "repositories": [
                "type": "composer",
                "url": "composer_registry_url"
    // ...
  3. Install the module with the below command

    cd <directory containing your composer.json>
    composer require seeka-labs/seeka-wordpress
  4. Activate the Seeka plugin.

  5. Click on Settings on the left menu of Wordpress Admin to expand the sub-menu and then click on Seeka.

  6. Copy your Seeka public key, Organisation ID and Instance ID from the Seeka app into the text fields and click the Save Changes button to complete the installation.


Run the below command to upgrade the module.

cd <directory containing your composer.json>
composer upgrade seeka-labs/seeka-wordpress

Interaction with SDK

Once installed, the JavaScript SDK can be interacted with to fire events via code.

See the Browser SDK reference for more information.

Version tags

Specific versions of the browser SDK can be used by setting the "Browser SDK version" setting when on the Seeka - Converge settings page.

  • latest - Latest stable release
  • alpha - Latest preview/development release
  • X.Y.Z - Specific version